Schools and defibrillators on the First Aid Show: The Lifesaving Role of Defibrillators in Schools Cardiac arrests can occur unexpectedly, and having immediate access to defibrillators in educational institutions can be the difference between life and death. The … Continue Reading →
What is it like to have a Gastroscopy?
What is it like to have a Gastroscopy? I hunted the internet to find out what it is like to have a Gastroscopy but could not really find and answer … Continue Reading →
Nose Bleeds and Foreign Objects
Nosebleeds are common in children and adults. They are often easily treated and do not return. Nosebleeds can be distressing to children and embarrassing to adults. Blood vessels in the … Continue Reading →
Cholesterol facts to improve your health
Prevention is usually better than cure, and this goes for monitoring your cholesterol levels to help reduce your risk of heart attack and Stroke. The press reports on Cholesterol along … Continue Reading →
Keep your dog safe this Christmas, what not to feed your dog
In the holiday season it is tempting to feed your dog all left overs and give them a special meal, but you can do harm. Dogs don’t expect a … Continue Reading →
Falls and Fall Prevention
Falls and Fall prevention can reduce the number of accidents in the home. Many people are seriously hurt every day in their own home and this can be made worse … Continue Reading →
Violent Crime and First Aid
When dealing with an incident of violent crime, you may have to deal with gun shot or knife wounds. Although you need to be more careful, the injury you are … Continue Reading →
What about when your pet needs your help?
First aid for pets is similar to first aid for humans, but you need to be more careful. Even a normally calm, friendly pet can become aggressive when they are … Continue Reading →
What is Atrial Fibrillation
A normal heart beats between 60 and 100 per minute when resting, but when someone has Atrial Fibrillation, this may be increased to over 140 beats per minute and may … Continue Reading →
Welcome to The First Aid Show
The First Aid Show covers first aid, safety and medical subjects in an easy to watch video format. See this video for more information on the First Aid Show.