Schools and defibrillators on the First Aid Show: The Lifesaving Role of Defibrillators in Schools Cardiac arrests can occur unexpectedly, and having immediate access to defibrillators in educational institutions can be the difference between life and death. The … Continue Reading →
UK Resuscitation and ERC 2015 Guideline Changes
The guidelines are being reviewed on 15th October 2015 but the ERC and UK Resuscitation Council. In this edition of the First Aid Show we will discuss what will be … Continue Reading →
Why do we open the airway?
Opening the airway is an important part of any initial assessment to ensure that we keep the airway clear and free from obstructions. The technique is easy and very important. … Continue Reading →
AED Storage and how to keep them safe
AED units can be found in many locations and in different storage boxes. In earlier editions of the First Aid Show we looked at the lockable outside boxes and now … Continue Reading →
Do hand gels replace hand washing?
In this edition of the First Aid Show we look at whether hand gels can replace hand washing. Hand gels do not remove dirt like washing does but they do … Continue Reading →
Rapid blood test for Ebola has been approved
The World Health Organisation has approved a blood test that can give a result on if a patient has Ebola within minutes not hours. Existing tests can take 12-24 hours to get … Continue Reading →
Extra funding pledged by government of £300 million
David Cameron has pledged £300 million to help fund Dementia research and training. There are 850,ooo people living with Dementia in the UK and this figure is expected to exceed … Continue Reading →
Bites and Stings
A bite can create a puncture wound or tear and you have to treat as for serious bleeding. A sting is from an insect and there is often not much … Continue Reading →
Fainting is a common cause of a patient losing consciousness. It is caused by a lack of blood to the brain. This can be caused by anxiety, hunger, pregnancy, stress, … Continue Reading →
Minor Injuries
There are many minor injuries that as a first aider you may have to deal with. Some will need little treatment but be aware that something more serious is not … Continue Reading →
Types of Injury
There are several more types of injuries that can occur, these include. Contusion: A bruise or a blunt blow. Different people bruise in different ways. For example the elderly or … Continue Reading →