Stabilising the spine of a casualty
If you suspect someone is having a spinal injury, it is very important that you immobilise their head as soon as possible as any movement can damage their spinal cord … Continue Reading →
The UK's Finest First Aid Show
If you suspect someone is having a spinal injury, it is very important that you immobilise their head as soon as possible as any movement can damage their spinal cord … Continue Reading →
In this video, we will look at the clinical signs of dehydration in dogs and cats, the following list is not exhaustive and not always specific to dehydration alone, but … Continue Reading →
Plasters are a simple way of protecting and keeping clean a small injury. There are different types and you need to select the right type and size. The main types … Continue Reading →
First Aid Show is provided by ProTrainings Europe Ltd. We offer 350 different course titles as classroom, virtual, hybrid, blended and video online training. We have a network of over … Continue Reading →
ASPOD® Emergency Asprin Holder ‘Immediate’ aspirin has been shown to significantly reduce deaths from a heart attack, and the earlier it is taken during a heart attack, the greater the … Continue Reading →
Plasters are a simple way of protecting and keeping clean a small injury. There are different types and you need to select the right type and size. The main types … Continue Reading →
If you suspect someone is having a spinal injury, it is very important that you immobilise their head as soon as possible as any movement can damage their spinal cord … Continue Reading →
At ProTrainings, we have launched a range of gift cards and these can be used as vouchers against video e-learning courses. They are a plastic card printed on one side … Continue Reading →
Bleed kits are becoming more common in the workplace and society in general. Bleed kits come in different types and sizes. In this edition of the First Aid Show, we … Continue Reading →
At ProTrainings, we have launched the ProTrainings award scheme, so the idea is that if you know somebody who is had to do first aid or has been very involved … Continue Reading →