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AED Routine Maintenance

AED Routine Maintenance

AED Routine Maintenance

Welcome to this edition of the First Aid Show. Today, we’re diving into the essential practice of AED Routine Maintenance, ensuring your device is always ready for an emergency.

Regular Check-Ups

To keep your AED in top condition, regularly check it. Establish a routine to inspect the AED weekly. Consider using a digital checklist or a chart on the wall for tracking. Additionally, you should quickly glance at the AED’s display daily to confirm its operational status whenever you pass by.

Comprehensive Evaluations

Begin by examining the AED’s case for any damage. Look for scuffs or scars that might suggest the device has been dropped or mishandled. Check the zipper and the case’s back to ensure they show no signs of damage that could compromise the device’s integrity.

Inspecting Accessories and Handles

Ensure the carry handle is secure and inspect all accessories for wear or damage. Carefully examine the condition of the pads. Pull them out gently and look for any creases, cuts, or general wear.

Internal Checks

Upon opening the AED, verify that all internal components are present and in good condition. Check that the seals have not been tampered with. Pay close attention to the expiry dates on the pads and replace them if they are close to expiring.

Functional Testing

After reinserting the pads correctly, turn the AED around for a functional test:

Wrapping Up AED Routine Maintenance

Always set the AED to adult mode unless a specific situation requires otherwise. Confirm the storage environment for your AED. It is crucial to store the device within the recommended temperature ranges to protect the batteries and pads.

Storage Tips

If you store the AED outdoors, protect it in a heated cabinet to shield it from extreme temperatures. For indoor storage, keep the device within the conditions advised in the AED’s manual to prevent damage to its components.


By diligently maintaining your AED, you ensure the reliability of your emergency response equipment. Following these steps for AED Routine Maintenance prepares your device for any emergency, enhancing safety for all.


Shop Now!

Discover the essential range of IPAD AED products at First Aid Online, your go-to resource for advanced emergency medical equipment. Whether you’re a professional in the healthcare sector or simply aiming to enhance safety in your community or workplace, our selection of IPAD AEDs offers cutting-edge technology designed to save lives in critical situations. Equip yourself with the best in cardiac emergency preparedness by visiting First Aid Online’s IPAD AED Collection today. Don’t miss out on these vital tools—explore our options to find the perfect fit for your needs.

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